Friday, May 01, 2009

earthquake rocks ulpster

An earthquake rocked Ulpster in the early hours of this morning. Earthquake victim Matt Bigback who got caught in the middle of it had this to say, "eeee why aye ah was in ulpster when it geat happened and shite like that, and then suddenly I didn't really feel anything at all man. funnily enough i foundout later that was when it had happened like."

Emminent geologist Angus McFungus had a rather different and sobering view on the earthquake that hit Ulpster this morning. "I was pottering around in my lab chipping off a few bit of stones from a fossil fish i nabbed from Wendy and David's garden. Suddenly I felt a sensation so powerful it was almost detectable by a human being. I 'felt' it through my graphometer device which draws little wiggles on a bit of paper when wobles. I measured the peaks of the wobbles and found out that the earthquake had a magnitude and an epicentre and all that stuff.

We'll bring you more details as we find them. Please let us know any of your own experiences of this devastaing quake.