Thursday, January 11, 2007

Enough is enough!

Roight! Can I have everyone's attention? OK you plebs, I've just about had enough of your so-called leader. Tony's tyrannical reign must end now! After he single handedly engineered the departure of Baeky, one of the original founders of Ie Churnal back in 1991, he promised an exciting new direction and a dramatic increase in readers.

From what I can see the Churnal has steadily gone downhill since that fateful day. What with stories about underpants and tardi-bloody-grades (what ever the fudd they are), flipping hell.... musical cats, trips to the local take-away? The list of wazz just goes on and on. I mean, what the chuffing fart happened to all the serious science and cookery columns? I'm sure everyone, like me, assumed the new direction would be to change this sorry blog into some sort of Punk Fanzine. Grrrrrrrrr! I think I'm going to blow my top.

Anyways, I'll get to my point, and yes I dare to say this.... I, Roy Anarchy, am your new leader. If you don't like it then I'll stuff your mouth full of my snotty hankies. I vow to turn Ie Churnal into the retro punk blog that the readers are crying out for. Look out for my first album review of 'The Simon and Garfunkel Collection' in the near future... and tell your friends or I'll rip your arms off and poke you in the face with the soggy ends.

Tony... if you want your beloved Churnal back then you'll have to fight me for it, I'll be here waiting for you, you brother of a butter knob! I won't be holding my breath mind as I suspect you're a chicken supreme.... buck, buck, buckaaaah!!!

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